The Castle of Torrechiara
In mid-XV century Pier Maria Rossi erected Torrechiara Castle in the municipality of Langhirano. Its main function was that of defense, as confirmed by the three circular walls and the presence of four corner towers. Moreover, there are also many beautiful frescoes and decorated walls in the castle of Torrechiara. Go through Sala della Vittoria (Hall of Victory), Sala degli Angeli (Hall of Angels) and La Stanza Dorata (the Golden Room), where the walls and arches are spectacular!
Torrechiara is the closest of the famous castles of Parma. You can visit the castle of Torrechiara and its village and taste the local wines.
Main information
Parking address:
Str. del Mulino, 9, Torrechiara, Italia.
Distance from Parma: 20 km / 12.5 miles.
How to get there: 20 minutes by car (consult the car rental site) or half an hour with bus n. 12, which travels to Langhirano every hour, bus stop “Torrechiara”.
Cost in 2025: €5 / $5.30.
The time it takes for the visit: 1-2 hours.
Special events
Once a year a medieval festival takes place here on 2 June and on the Sunday nearest to this date. The program is quite rich, you can eat well, see the battle of the knights, archery and much more until late in the evening.
Opening times (2025)
November - February: Tuesday and Friday from 9am to 4.30pm, weekends and public holidays from 10am to 5pm.
March - October: Tuesday, Sunday and holidays from 10.30am to 7.30pm, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday from 8.30am to 7.30pm.
Closed on Mondays.